Monday, October 29, 2012

Meet Martha the Crow!!!

I had such a fun time making Martha for my friend Sharon. Sharon has a store called Shair's Crows Nest and she needed an "Official Greeter" for the store.  The last "Official Greeter" for
the store was Marty the Crow.
 Marty was not for sale... but when a lovely family came in to shop they fell in
love with Marty and insisted that they must have was very hard to part
with Marty but Sharon decided to let Marty go live with the lovely family.
Their last name was Crow!!!

 Sharon now needed a new "Greeter" ...
Everything I had on hand was for a girl
nothing for a boy.I gave her a beautiful straw hat with
a sunflower, a nice striped blouse and jeans,
a darling pearl necklace
and couple of babies to tuck in her apron...
and this is how Martha came to be.

If your ever in the area be sure to stop in and say Hi! to Martha and the Kids at Shair's Crows Nest
located on the first floor of The Christmas Shop
Rt. 40,   Chalk Hill, Pa. 15421

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Love playing around with graphics...trying to teach myself. I wish I had Photoshop and could take some classes. Here's a Blog Button you can use on your blogs. Just right click and save to your computor.

Monday, June 18, 2012

One Vote Can Help So Many!

I'm posting today in hopes of helping my friend Janelle qualify for a $250,000 Grant to help her expand her business  Muddy Rose Pottery. Janelle's passion and main focus of her business is to offer her Therapeutic Clay Program to individuals with
 Intellectual and Physical Disibilities. 
There are many interested individuals awaiting their turn to attend the program
 but unfortuately they are just a small studio and do not have enough room.

The pic below is one of her wheelchair students using a specialized pottery wheel made specifically for individuals in a wheel chair...right now they only have 1 of these...
 but have many more individuals waiting their turn to attend a class.

Please help them to continue to help others by spreading the word about their need to expand. The first step to qualify for the $250,000 grant is to get 250 one time votes
 by June 30th.
Follow this link and enter Muddy Rose Pottery as the business you support and vote for them.
I appreciate everyone taking the time to help out.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

PAFA Etsy Team

I just recieved a warm welcome from  Brenda and the PAFA Etsy team...very excited to be part of this Primitive and Folk Artists team.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Just wanted to share these tips from Dr. Weil about what foods to NOT feed your dog.  Each of these can have harmful effects on a dog's health, ranging from allergic reactions to vomiting, diarrhea or even death. Be on the safe side and restrict your dog's access to these foods - he or she will thank you.
1.Alcohol, including beer, wine and liquor
3.Caffeine, such as tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate and colas
4.Dairy products
5.Grapes and raisins
6.Macadamia nuts or foods containing macadamia nuts
7.Meat fat or bones
8.Onions and garlic - raw, cooked, dehydrated and powdered
9.Pantry staples such as baking powder, baking soda and nutmeg
10.Fruits with pits, such as peaches and plums
11.Raw eggs, meat and fish
12.Salty or sugary food and drinks

Also be aware of anything containing the sweetener xylitol, such as candy, gum, toothpaste and baked goods, as well as human medications, especially acetaminophen and ibuprofen - all can have serious adverse affects on your dog's health.

In case your dog does eat any of the above, it's a good idea to always have on hand the number of your vet, an emergency clinic and the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (888-426-4435). If you think your dog has consumed something toxic, call for emergency help at once

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Started working on my Garden Ladies, this is my first one...I named her Edna Mae Gardner...her gardening friends Flora Sue Stems and Clara Belle Flowers are in the works. Can't wait to see how they turn out. Tomorrow I'm hitting the thrift shops looking for more gardening hats and rubber boots!!! lol
She is for sale in my friends shop Shair's Crows Nest in Chalk Hill, Pa. here is the link to her Blog...check out her shop!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Sorry I haven't been on my blog in quite some time. I've been busy reorganizing, doing the year end inventory, working on taxes and working  on some new designs...hope to have them done in the next several weeks.  I did manage to get a couple sheep done .

This one I made for a friend, I personalized it with her last name and the year she got married. I plan to sell these on Etsy , you will be able to buy ones that are personalized and ones that will just have Wool...a picture of a sheep... and the year 1887 on it. They are about 24" tall and 26" long. Will aslo be making them in a med. 18"  size and a smaller 12" size.

This one is around 13" Tall and 16" Long. I bought this shaggy cool material about 2 years ago not knowing
what I was going to use it for... I just knew I really liked it and one day I'd figure out what to do with it. lol  
I think it makes a prety good looking sheeps wool. I will aso be making him in the 18" size and 24" size and listing on Etsy.